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Transco relies on robotics and e-trucks

8. March 2024
Transco ist Partner im Stückgutnetz von ONLINE Systemlogistik. Hier ein Gruppenbild vor einem Transco-Lkw, mit der Geschäftsführung von OSL und Transco.

25 robots in the warehouse and 6 e-trucks in the fleet – our partner Transco has set the course for the future. During our visit to Singen and Gottmadingen, we were able to get a full picture of this.

In the AutoStore, humans and robots share the work: while employees iron textiles by hand or wrap goods in tissue paper, for example, robots take over routine tasks with their grippers.

The Volvo e-trucks are new to the fleet. They are suitable for flatbed, tarpaulin and platform bodies. With a capacity of 378 kilowatts and a simulated consumption of 1.26 kilowatts per kilometre, they have a range of around 300 kilometres.

We would like to thank Marko Mustapic and Christian BĂĽcheler for the insights and are already looking forward to the next innovations!

In the photo (from left): Mike WĂĽllner, authorised signatory – ONLINE Systemlogistik; Verena Käuper, authorised signatory – ONLINE Systemlogistik; Marko Mustapic, authorised signatory – Transco; Petra Welling, Managing Director – ONLINE Systemlogistik and Christian BĂĽcheler, CEO – Transco.