Calling all HUB staff! Damian Voß, our Operations Manager at ONLINE Systemlogistik’s Central HUB (ZUB) in Schlitz, recently invited all the coordinators of the ZUB, the regional HUBs as well as sub-coordinators to an internal dangerous goods training course. He also wanted them to network, since many had up until then only spoken to each other on the phone.
The correct handling of dangerous goods is one of the supreme disciplines in general cargo handling. Not only does the implementation of the ADR guidelines need to be correct, but also the internal processes including all the documentation. ONLINE Systemlogistik (OSL) specifies internal processes in order to secure uniform procedures at the North HUB in Porta Westfalica, the West HUB in Bottrop, the South HUB in Nördlingen and the Central HUB (ZUB) in Schlitz. They are summarized in the OSL manual and are updated regularly. The goal is to ensure that dangerous goods processes are implemented accordingly at all OSL HUBs.
Last Saturday, this knowledge was refreshed, so all the employees at our HUBs are now up to date again.
A total of 27 employees came to the first internal dangerous goods training course in the new administration building at the “ZUB” in Schlitz. In the large group picture (from left to right): Leon Drögemeier, Coordinator North HUB, his deputy Patrick Britsche; Steffen Wahl, Deputy Coordinator ZUB II; Janine Driessen, Coordinator West HUB; Lukas Schabert, Deputy Coordinator South HUB; Eduard Simon, Deputy Coordinator ZUB I; Alexander Steinhauer, Coordinator ZUB I; Loreen Lenk, Day Shift Coordinator Day at the ZUB; Heiko Kummich, Coordinator South HUB and Selcuk Akyüz, Day Shift Coordinator at the ZUB.