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Great Meeting: Training of the quality management representatives

21. June 2023

Big “family reunion” of the QMB at ONLINE Systemlogistik: Once a year, the quality and environmental management representatives of our system partners meet for a training in the middle of Germany in Künzell. Thereby, we also take a look at the so-called internal quality audits of the previous year.

Each partner is audited internally once a year. The criteria include punctuality, delivery rate and scan rate. In addition, the requirements of the standards (DIN EN ISO 9001 | DIN EN ISO 14001 | HACCP) are also checked by independent auditors. In 2022, the majority of partners again achieved an overall result of over 95 percent. Congratulations on this great result!

Just as important as the training day, however, is the evening before. At the big get-together there was a great buzz of voices; the relief of being able to greet and talk to each other again without restrictions was huge.

Thanks to all participants who contributed to the success of the entire training event with their expertise and cordiality! And many thanks to the QM team of ONLINE Systemlogistik under the leadership of our QMB Marcella Rennecke for the organization and realization.

On the photos:

Left side: Our plant manager Damian Voß talks about ADR and load securing.

Concentrated and in a good mood – the working groups.