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Engemann a new partner of Online Systemlogistik

25. July 2023
Das Team von Engemann u. CO – Engemann ist neuer Systempartner von OSL

New system partner in the Online Systemlogistik (OSL) general cargo network: On 1 August, Engemann u. CO. Internationale Spedition GmbH from Hilden near Düsseldorf will join the network.

Engemann will serve the Düsseldorf metropolitan region as well as parts of Cologne and the surrounding area. For night-time handling, Engemann will call at both the OSL Central Hub in Schlitz near Fulda and the OSL West Hub in Bottrop; the first handling will take place during the night of 1 to 2 August.

Founded in 1966, Engemann u. CO employs 110 people; a fleet of 90 vehicles is on the road daily for customers. At the Hilden site southeast of Düsseldorf, 16,000 square metres of warehouse and logistics space are currently available for transport and logistics. In addition to general cargo handling, the company’s core areas are scheduled transports to and from Southern and Eastern Europe as well as logistics for the pharmaceutical and chemical industries. By joining OSL, Engemann wishes to expand distribution within Germany in particular.

“We are delighted in Engemann to have gained an extremely vital company as a partner. With its medium-sized structure and sustainable focus, Engemann is a perfect fit for us,” says Verena Käuper, Authorised Signatory at Online Systemlogistik. “For the metropolitan regions around Düsseldorf and Cologne in particular, it’s important to have another strong partner in the network.”