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Congratulations on the Long-Standing Partnership

22. November 2024
Das Stückgutnetz ONLINE Systemlogistik gratulierte drei langjährigen Partnern zum Jubiläum.

Constructive, on an equal footing, absolutely reliable – anyone who can talk about a partnership in those terms is very lucky. And we are! We had the opportunity to congratulate three of our partners on their anniversaries in person at our system partner meeting. In 2024, we celebrated

25 years of partnership with Nuber (Augsburg)

25 years of partnership with Rüdinger (Krautheim)

20 years of partnership with Beeger (Apen)

They received special souvenir photos as a token of our appreciation. We are extremely happy about our long-standing, successful partnership and look forward to working together in the future, too!


All the best! (left to right): Frank Reichert (Managing Director, Beeger Internationale Stückgut GmbH), Petra Welling (Managing Director, ONLINE Systemlogistik), Valesca Mayer (Managing Director, Spedition Nuber and Managing Partner, Roman Mayer Group), Mike Wüllner (Director, ONLINE Systemlogistik), and Roland Rüdinger (Managing Director, Rüdinger Spedition GmbH)