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Audits in Hof, Hermsdorf and Rees

20. September 2024
ONLINE Systemlogistik beim Audit der Partber Güttler, Andreas Schröder und Hövelmann

Our internal quality audit continued in September: in Hof, Hermsdorf and Rees. First, our QM manager Andreas Nowotny visited the site of Güttler Logistik in Hof/Saale, between Nuremberg and Chemnitz. Güttler Logistik has been a partner in our general cargo network since 1996. Julius Reuther, process and project manager at Güttler, will soon be taking over quality management at the company; during the audit, he and QUMB Steffen Rauchfuß were the first points of contact for our QM manager Andreas Nowotny. Güttler is planning additional certification for energy management according to ISO 50001 at the beginning of 2025.

About 80 kilometers north, between Erfurt and Chemnitz, lies Hermsdorf, the next stop on our audit tour. This is the location of Verkehrsunternehmen Andreas Schröder. It was only in 2022 that the company expanded the site, adding, among other things, a modern training room. A training centre for professional drivers has been created here, which will now also be open to external trainees. Verkehrsunternehmen Andreas Schröder has been an OSL partner for more than ten years and joined on 1 January 2014.

From Hermsdorf in the east, the route continued to Rees in the very west of the country. In 1945, the Theodor Hövelmann forwarding company was founded in neighboring Millingen. After the founder’s death in 1953, his widow took over the business and in 1966 the company moved to Rees. Since the beginning of 2022, Wwe. Th. Hövelmann has been a system partner of OSL. With a photovoltaic system on the building and the 100% use of green electricity, Hövelmann is a good example of sustainable logistics in our general cargo network.

Photos, from left to right

Güttler Logistik: Julius Reuther (Process and Project Manager, Güttler), Andreas Nowotny (QM Manager / Auditor, OSL), Steffen Rauchfuß (QUMB, Güttler)

Verkehrsunternehmen Andreas Schröder: Andreas Nowotny (QM Manager / Auditor, OSL), Patrick Machner (QUMB and Scheduling, Schröder), Benjamin Schröder (Management, Schröder)

Wwe. Th. Hövelmann: Darwin Breeman (Insurance & Claims, Hövelmann), Jörg Möllenbeck (Authorized Signatory / Head of Insurance & Claims / IMS Officer, Hövelmann), Philipp Becker (Head of System Traffic & Network Development, Hövelmann), Uwe Scholten (Managing Director, Hövelmann)