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A smooth start

Silke Schulze von ONLINE Systemlogistik unterstützt den neuen Partner in Luxemburg beim Onboarding

Willkommen, bienvenu, welcome! Our quality management expert Silke Schulze accompanied the launch of OSL’s new system partner Arthur Welter Transports in Luxembourg. One focus: perfect data for EDI/remote data transmission. From the receipt of OSL consignments to the delivery note, the general cargo experts from Arthur Welter Transports and Silke Schulze went through the implementation and visualisation of all process steps together.

A big thank you to the software company Dr Malek, who provided quick and uncomplicated support with the EDI interfaces. And special thanks to our new partner – for the warmth and relaxed atmosphere! We are delighted with the smooth start and look forward to further cooperation in our general cargo network!

In the photo from left to right:

Back row: Frank Breitzke, Ricardo Krechel, employees for general cargo processing; Sam Schaefer, Project Manager Distribution Service – Arthur Welter Transports

Front row: Marianne Welter, Managing Director – Arthur Welter Transports; Silke Schulze and Andreas Nowotny, Quality Management – ONLINE Systemlogistik